Welcome to the 61st IMCL Cortona Conference App!
Links to the Program, Maps, and other conference information.
Check back here for UPDATES!
Welcome to Day 4, Friday, November 1st!. Don't forget the closing party at 5:30 PM!
Map to the Venue is HERE.
Plan of the building is HERE.
(Updated October 30th)
60th International Making Cities Livable (IMCL)
"The Ecology of Place:
Learning from Nature, Culture, and History"
Sant'Agostino Conference Center, Cortona, Italy
October 29-November 1, 2024 ​
Friday, November 1st​​
2:30 PM PLENARY 13 ("Speed Presentations")
Learning from Nature and Culture
Agrihoods and Agroforestry
Andrew Georgiadis, Project Director, Dover Kohl
& Partners, Miami FL
Marcia Mikai Oliveira and Christina Miller
The Circular City: What is Not Reused Must Not Be
Produced; A Biological Cycle That Can Be
Implemented Worldwide, Adapted to Local Conditions
Gernot Mittersteiner, Architekturwerk, Vienna, Austria
Soft Assembly
Mahdi Tavanpour, Development Planner,
City of Vancouver, Canada
Place-Based Planning: From Comprehensive Plan
to Land Use Regulation
Craig Thomas, Director of Planning and
Development, City of Fort Saskatchewan,
3:05 PM PLENARY 14 ("Speed Presentations")
Nature and Culture in Italy and Beyond
An Architect’s Sketchbook Visualizing Italian
Architecture and Town Planning
Michael Garrison, Professor of Architecture,
University of Texas, Austin
Healing the Landscape, Healing the Community:
Exploring the Relationship Between Place
Attachment and Post-Earthquake Recovery
in Italy
Marta Saniewska, Environmental Psychologist,
Foster and Partners, London, UK
Letting the Landscape Speak: The Logic of Italian
Hill Settlements
Christine Storry,. Principal, Utopia Architects,
Leura, NSW Australia
3:45 PM BREAK (Coffee, tea, snacks)
4:15 PM PLENARY 15
Learning from Italy
The Future of the Past: Rebuilding the Beautiful Hill
Town of Amatrice
Giuseppe Amoruso, Politecnico di Milano and
INTBAU-Italia, Bologna, Italy
Growing Healthy Food Connections Through
Territorial Planning and Design:
Getting Agroecology on the Agenda
Ilaria Boniburini, Researcher, Università degli Studi
della Basilicata
The Città Ideale
Robert Davis, Developer, Seaside, Florida
The Value of Markets in Italy and the World
Carmelo Troccoli, Executive Director, World
Farmers' Markets Coalition, Rome, Italy
5:30 PM CLOSING RECEPTION (Wine, hors d'oeuvres)
7:30 END
Saturday, November 2nd
Partner-Led Event: Tour of Pienza, Italy
Led by Seaside Institute (Link: seasideinstitute.org - scroll down)
9:00 AM Departs from Cortona Bus Stop
(Return 6:00 PM)