Welcome to the 60th IMCL Newport Conference App!
Links to the Program, Maps, and other conference information.
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Welcome to Day 3, Sunday, April 28th. Don't forget the rclosing party at 5:30PM,!
Map to the Venue is HERE.
Plan of the building is HERE.
(Updated April 28th)
60th International Making Cities Livable (IMCL)
"Making Cities Livable:
From Research Into Communication, and ACTION"
Bois Doré Estate * Newport, Rhode Island USA
April 26-28, 2024
Sunday, April 28th
(Ballroom, Conference Format)
User Experience and Human-Centered Design
Lessons from Neuroscience: A 100-Year
Plan for Indiana Avenue, IN
Nir Buras, Classic Planning Institute
The Place of Beauty: Neuroscience, Health,
and Sustainability
Daniel Morales, Morales Architects
How Eye Tracking Changes How We 'See'
Architecture + Ourselves
Ann Sussman and Abigail Sekely, the
HAPI Institute
Cognitive Architecture: A New Understanding
Justin Hollander, Tufts University
2:30 PM BREAKOUT 8 (Dining Room,
Symposium Format)
Street and Transportation Reforms
Alex Krumdieck, Auburn University
(Plus students)
Breaking the Gridlock: Empowering Livable
Cities Beyond Traffic Engineering Norms
Wes Marshall, University of Colorado
User Experience in Improved Non-motorised
Transport Infrastructure in Nairobi
Akosa Wambalaba, US Int'l Univ - Africa
2:30 PM BREAKOUT 9 (Game Room,
Workshop Format)
Beach Politics: Social, Racial, and
Environmental Injustice on the Shoreline
Accessibility to the Coastal Environment:
Cross-National Comparative Analysis
Rachelle Alterman and Cygal Pellach,
The Technion / IIT
Racism and the Rockaways or Surfing
the Cliff: A Success Story in Rhode Island
Bryce Dubois, College of the Holy Cross
Scaling up: Beach Activism and Different
Ability Access in Kerala, India
Kristie Daniel, HealthBridge
Beach Appropriation and Exclusion
Strategies: How do we Stop Them?
Setha Low, City University of New York
Dana Taplin, City of New York Department
of Environmental Protection
3:45 PM BREAK (Coffee, tea, snacks)
4:15 PM BREAKOUT 10 (Ballroom,
Conference Format)
Housing, Communities and Affordability
Unveiling the True Culprit in Soaring
Housing Cost: The Land
Value Capture Imperative
Patrick Condon, UBC (Moderator)
Building New Construction Townhouses
and Pre-Approved Plans
Alli Quinlan, Flintlock LAB
Housing Affordability: Could A.I. Strategies
and Tools Be An Answer?
Kent Watkins, American Academy
of Housing and Communities
Delivering Not Just More, But Truly
Livable, Housing for Generations to Come
David Woltering, Woltering Community
Planning (Moderator)
4:15 PM BREAKOUT 11 (Dining Room,
Symposium Format)
Retrofitting Settlements: Tools, Strategies,
and Lessons Learned
Waterfront Communities: Repurpose,
Recreation, and Renaissance
Mary Gardill, Commonwealth Of
Massachusetts (Moderator)
Making Cities Livable from Below?
Repurposing the Geography
of Apartheid
Stefan Norgaard, Columbia University
Turning Academic Aspirations into
Community Action for
Revitalized Downtowns
Ryan Sandwick, CalPoly San Luis Obispo
4:15 PM BREAKOUT 12 (Game Room,
Workshop Format)
Innovative Approaches to Just and
Equitable Cities
Creating Public Spaces that Center Equity
and Wellbeing
through New Tech
Senchel Matthews and colleagues,
Full Frame Initiative
Just Urbanism: Reclamation +
Repair = Renewal
Edgar Adams and Brian Hendrickson,
Roger Williams University
Ray "Two Hawks" Watson, MCP, JD,
Founder, Providence Cultural Equity
Initiative (Moderator)
5:30 PM End
(Wine, soft drinks, hors d'oeuvres)
7:00 PM End
Monday, April 29th
(Offered by Cornish Associates,
Runyon Heritage Associates and
Union Studio Archiitects - consult
website for details and tickets)
(Ends 2:00 PM)