More videos and other resources will be added later, as we prepare for TWO big conferences in 2024!

A slide from attendee Nancy Woltering's summary of the conference, presented to her colleagues at the City of Santa Rosa, California.
The IMCL 2023 conference has a dedicated web page with the full conference e-reader, videos, and a slide deck prepared by senior planner Nancy Woltering of the City of Santa Rosa, California. More videos will be added over the next few weeks. All these resources from the conference can be accessed on the dedicated web page here.
Interested parties can submit abstracts for either or both upcoming conferences, and, if accepted, submit their papers for one of the two conference e-readers according to the schedules privided. For Newport, the Call for Abstracts is here. For Cortona, the Call for Abstracts is here.
Written papers are not required, but they provide an excellent opportunity to share ideas in more detail, receive feedback, and develop further drafts for later publication. The conference e-reader also offers credit for publication, along with a DOI (digital object identifier) number. A certificate of presentation can also be furnished on request. Some academic presenters are required by their departments to furnish these documents.
The 2023 conference e-reader runs to 479 pages, and includes 25 papers, fact sheets, and chapter excerpts. Thanks to all those who provided their paper for the e-reader!
Photos from Nancy Woltering's report:

Above: scenes from the conference, Dorchester, and tours of Poundbury. Below: conference events including the closing Friday night party.